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Jones Lang LaSalle had an ace up its sleeve the whole time, in one of the largest office deals in recent months.
Royal Centre Two ace insurance jones lang lasalle chris wagner tim mccarthy scott o'halloran colliers
Ace Insurance inked a deal for about 100k SF at Royal Centre Two, which means the company will vacate its offices at Mansell Overlook. JLL's Chris Wagner and Tim McCarthy brokered for the tenant; Colliers International's Scott O'Halloran for the landlord. All were unavailable for comment as of press time.
Speaking of Chris, the JLL broker also is fronting the Davidson Hotels & Resorts deal we mentioned yesterday, along with JLL'sBrad Armstrong. The company is searching for a little less than a floor of office space, mainly in the Central Perimeter submarket, sources tell us. Davidson is moving its HQ to Atlanta from Memphis.


Atlanta-based Liberator seems pleased with its current HQ, even as the countdown to its lease expiration begins. Liberator leases 140k SF at 2745 Bankers Industrial Dr in Atlanta, where it operates its manufacturing, distribution, and fulfillment operations, according to SEC filings. Its lease rate escalates to $34k per month by the end of its term in 2015. ?We believe our facilities are currently adequate for their intended purposes and are adequately maintained,? the company stated in filings.


Local celeb Chef Micah Willix is set to open his Latitude restaurant at Phipps Plaza this November. The former Ecco chef, Micah (along with partners Kenny Perlman, formerly of Seasons 52 and Houston?s, and Emily Streib Marcil, formerly of Capital Grille and currently of Second Growth) plans on creating ?world-cuisine? dishes. Also, a huge wine list.
Binswanger's David Barber just brokered the sale of the 2.1M SFCooper Tire distribution center in Albany. Hilco Real Estate purchased the facility for $8.5M, and Cooper will continue to use 500k SF of the facility.
richard kemp baker barrios architects hospitality mansion peachtree
The man responsible for designing The Mansion on Peachtree has joined Baker Barrios Architects. Richard Kemp is now a project manager for the firm's hospitality, higher edcorporate andcommercial accounts. Previously, Richard was with Milton Pate Architects where he also handled the designs for The Hard Rock Hotel, Orlando, and The Cloister Resort in Sea Island.


mace macro michael arikat brian mcneese new hire western region
Mace North American's Michael Arikat and managing director Brian McNeese. The latest hire, Michael has been named as Mace'swestern region director and will be based out of San Fran.
NAIOP has three CRE credit hours for you to go ?Under the Hood? 7:15am Nov. 10 at the Grand Hyatt in Buckhead. The seminar will focus on CRE apps and technology.


Reminder: Join IFMA tomorrow at 11:30am to hear the inside storyof 1315 Peachtree St, the new HQ of Perkins + Will. The architecture firm's Paula Vaughan will be on hand at Cherokee Town Club for IFMA's monthly meeting.


Who's got the drive? Find out Oct. 24 at Capital City Club in Brookhaven as NAIOP hosts its annual golf tournament. Few spots are left, so register here.


Work it this October. With beer! Circle of Trust is hosting its Oktoberfest networking happy hour 5:30pm on the 25th at SweetWater Brewing Co.
indigo girls party on ponce jamestown street green atlanta beltline partnership organics
Final tally: The Jamestown and Green Street Partners' Party on Ponce raised $80k for both the Atlanta Beltline Partnership and Georgia Organics. The event, held on Oct. 1, drew more than 2,000 people—including a huge CRE turnout—and featured the Athens band Indigo Girls.
turner construction interiors john lichtenwalter
Turner Construction's John Lichtenwalter announced last week that it is rebranding its interiors division into ?Turner Interiors.? One of the largest locally based construction companies, Turner's most recent clients include Novelis, J. Walter Thompson, Thompson Hine, Haworth, King & Spalding, and ServCorp.