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Crown Reveals More Riverwalk Details

Atlanta Mixed-Use

Just days after Crown Holdings Co (via its Duke Homes & Duke Land division) announced plans for a mega-development in Roswell, the firm offers more details on its plans through a DRI filing with the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (that approval step developers must take when they have a project with regional consequences). According to filings, Crown's Riverwalk Village project off Old Alabama Road will include 250 townhome units, 1,156 apartment units, 150 senior living units, 200k SF of civic/institutional space, 1.7M SF of office space, 490k SF of general retail, restaurant, grocery and entertainment space, a 200-room hotel, and an additional parcel that could house 76 more townhouses and 200 condos. The first phase should begin in 2018 and be completed by the following year, while the entirety of the project could take another decade to complete. While the first phase was not defined, Crown's Blair Schlossberg (here) previously told us that would most likely include the retail portion.