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Arnall Golden Gregory Sees Steady Growth

Atlanta Other

Arnall Golden Gregory (AGG) partner Steve Kaye is spotting more cranes throughout the region, and that’s a wonderful sight for spring. With the days of spec building hopefully behind us, Steve believes the activity represents good, solid news: an upswing in activity in many real estate sectors, including multifamily and in Steve’s specialty area, healthcare real estate. In retail, the vigorous pace and transactional volume of 2013 are continuing into 2014, with an emphasis on leasing and some new development. In the office sector, successful absorption is leading to new predictions of higher rental rates. Steve believes this activity reflects continued economic optimism and not over-exuberance. AGG’s 35 real estate attorneys collaborate with attorneys firm-wide to provide integrated, industry-focused solutions to a wide range of transactions. For more info on our sponsor, click here.