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Memorializing The Holiday Weekend

Atlanta Other

We got fishing, grilling and Paris. That's just how some of our industry's pros spent their Memorial Day holiday weekend. (As long as it wasn't work, it's OK in our book.)


We'll start with Greenstone Properties' Chris Scott with his seven-year-old son Carter. The duo caught a shark this weekend off the coast of Hilton Head Island. Next Memorial Day holiday? Bear wrestling.


Choate Construction's Jody Saka kicked off her holiday weekend with two-and-a-half pounds of beef. That's a massive ribeye that Jody grilled for the holiday, enough, she says, to feed two adults and one dog for two days. (Or one John Candy in The Great Outdoors.)


Newmark Grubb Knight Frank's Dave Watson spent his holiday overseas. Can you guess where by this famous placemarker? Dave went here with his wife Judy and daughter Jacy. No word on whether Dave told his daughter the truth about escargot.


Lee & Associates' Steve Massell spent his Memorial Day holiday on yardwork, dockwork and cooking for teenagers. So, in his mind, uneventful. But he did have quite a memorable event last month rappelling down Buckhead Tower to help raise money for the Special Olympics of Georgia (the Over The Edge event). The 2014 Georgia Summer Games will be held this weekend at Emory University.