They've Got His Back

When Mackey Cronin was heading out of the office last Thursday, virtually all of his Baltimore JLL colleagues followed him out the door. Jay Cox, Stuart Rienhoff, Patrick Latimer, Corrie Gelblaum, Mackey, Michael Singer, Brad Crosley, and Anne Carter headed over to Rosenberg Martin Greenberg's office for a bone marrow registration drive. The spark: Melody Tagliaferri Cronin, Mackey's sister-in-law and a Rosenberg partner, who died from leukemia Feb. 24 at the age of 35. But not before a bone marrow transplant brought her another year-and-a-half with her now two and a half-year-old. Mackey says Melody, known for pro bono work, would have appreciated the nod to community service that drew 250 Baltimoreans to four registration locations. Register for a cheek swab here and let us know you did!