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Reining in the Muddy River

Reining in the Muddy River
Muddy River, Boston, normal
Construction just started on a $31M project to reduce flood risk and enhance the natural habitat of the Muddy River. Why should CRE folk care? The river runs through the Fens adjacent to the Longwood Medical Area, one of the most valuable, intensely developed medical districts in the world. Sometimes, when heavy rain storms come, buildings in the LMA, other neighborhoods, and the T can flood causing safety hazards and significant property damage. Under normal circumstances, Netherland Road in the Fens (above) looks like this.
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During a storm two years ago, that section of the Muddy River looked like this. That’s why digging started on the 36-month project to install concrete arch culverts, concrete headwalls, and wind walls supported by caissons with granite veneer and capstones. Major excavation will open channel sections of the river and new landscaping will be planted. Not only will it reduce flood risk, it will enhance the natural habitat by improving drainage, dredging, removing nuisance vegetation, and stabilizing the banks. So if it causes traffic to back-up, know it’s for a good reason.  

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