Will the Olympics Get Your Vote?

With public support for hosting the 2024 Summer Olympics waning, there was a push yesterday to regain lost ground. At a Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce breakfast, John Fish, CEO of Suffolk Construction and chairman of the organizing group—Boston 2024—endorsed holding a referendum in November 2016 on whether the city should bid for the Games. He said, “If we can’t have success both statewide and citywide…we won’t move forward,” reported The Boston Globe. He urged residents to learn more about what the Olympics could mean for Boston and the state. [BG]

What the games could mean for Boston, explained Mayor Marty Walsh in a press release issued almost simultaneously, is a “catalyst to unlocking our full potential” and “elevate Boston to new heights." It seems that the mayor is mobilizing political allies to raise public support for the games. The level of support for the games fell below 40% according to one poll after news reports revealed the high salaries of Olympic boosters—a Who's Who of state politicos. Former Gov. Deval Patrick was to be paid $7,500/day to lobby for the Boston venue but has since declined the consulting work.