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Appeal to the Taxman

Appeal to the Taxman
Your Cook County Property Tax may stay the same this year, but if your building has lost value, you should appeal the valuation to the county assessor, Liston and Tsantilis' Brian Liston and Peter Tsantilis told industrial real estate brokers Thursday.
NAI Hiffman's Joe Bronson and Adam Marshall, Liton and Tsantilis' Brian Liston and Peter Tsantalis
NAI Hiffman's Joe Bronson and Adam Marshall hosted a meeting on taxes with Brian and Peter in a building they're listing, CenterPoint Properties' newly refurbished warehouse at 1600 Busse Rd. in Elk Grove Village. Brian says, overall, assessments went down in 2009 from 36% to 25%  of the building's value, so anyone paying the same amount in taxes would have to have their building  increase in value. Since that hasn't been the case for most buildings, he encourages owners to appeal the process and apply for economic development incentives. Brian also thinks that the election of new Cook County Board Chair Toni Preckwinkle  and Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios will speed up the appeals process.