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Flossmoor = Better Healthcare

Flossmoor = Better Healthcare
Flossmoor = Better Healthcare

Four out of five dentists probably agree with that subheading. (Get it?) But we have a different concern: If the wet ground causes your shovel to sink, is it still a groundbreaking? The guys at McShane tested that riddle for a new 15k-SF medical office and retail mixed-use space at 19801 Governors Highway. Flossmoor Mayor Paul Braun,  Alliance Real Estate's  Dr. Neal Labana,  McShane's Mark Tritschler, Alliance?s Dr. John Kung,  KLLM Architects Inc's John Beystehner and Old Plank Trail Community Bank's Frank Costa  did the honors; the doctors will occupy 7k-SF once the building is finished. There's no better waiting room than a retail center!