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For the Kids

For the Kids
Osman Construction's Tim Silvetti and his wife Tammy with MidAmerica Real Estate's David Bossy.
Across town at the Aqua Tower, more RE pros were raising money (and glasses) for Chicago Youth Programs at the charity's annual Spring Fling. We snapped Osman Construction's Tim Silvetti and his wife Tammy with MidAmerica Real Estate's David Bossy. Osman is building a Whole Foods in Schaumburg and a  Roundy's in Arlington Heights. They're also hoping to land the contract for the Roundy's in Lakeshore East, just next to Aqua. This week, David is busy making new deals at ICSC in Vegas. (We'll have a reporter roaming the grounds—come say hi!)
MB Real Estate's Maureen Grove, CBRE's Doug JOhnson
MB Real Estate's Maureen Grove was one of the event's organizers. She outsourced the auction portion of the evening to CBRE's Doug Johnson. Maureen says the gala affair raised about $100k last year, which they hoped to equal with silent and live auctions  this year. She also wanted to give a shout out to Magellan, which hosted the party and developed CYP's HQ at 53rd and Prairie.

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