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That's what BOMA/Chicago president Michael Cornicelli has been urging investors to do, but the system isn't officially planned just yet. BOMA is trying to educate building owners and tenants on the potential efficiencies of a SmartGrid, which charges different amounts for electricity used at different hours (mo' money for mo' peak hours). Michael says the system isn't rocket science anymore, it's just a matter of finding a source of funding (whether through the government or private building owners) to get the grid up and running. This needs to be done in baby steps, he says, as other economic issues have taken precedence.
Smart Meter
Here's what a SmartGrid meter might look like—notice the multiplier number on the bottom right. Michael says investment in the SmartGrid could be positive for long-hold building owners with a strategy in place for energy consumption, like using fewer lights during daytime hours or reducing the amount of time common area heating and cooling are on full-blast. Michael says the new system won't add much effort for building owners and managers—it's actually not creating anything new, just creating a strategy to use less. 
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