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Green Parties

Green Parties
The Greenbuild Conference's return to Chicago next month is a big deal (story below), but when it comes to real estate parties, you don't need that big a reason. For example, the new 15k SF green roof at 900 N. Michigan Ave. on the Mag Mile brought plenty together on Thursday. All are hoping the roof can reverse falling occupancy that began when businesses started moving closer to Metra  stations.
Development Management Associate's Jason Westrope and Hoerr Schaudt's Brian Barry, Joey Svec, Jonathan Brooke and David Carlson
Development Management Associate's Jason Westrope  and Hoerr Schaudt's Brian BarryJoey Svec, Jonathan Brooke, and David Carlson  worked together to design and install the roof on the ninth floor overlooking Michigan Ave. The vacant space overlooking the garden was renovated to offer a better view of the vegetation, which will be at least partially green  all year round and cost  about $2M to install. The roof will be accessible to all tenants and available for use on  lunch breaks.
Green Parties
JMB Financial Advisors' Stephen Lovelette and JMB Realty Corp.'s Patrick Meara helped decide how to best use the space, which was formerly a flat gray roof. The building is now home to more than one acre of green roof on the parking garage, near the office, and in the condo section of the building. The "mix" in the mixed-use: retail, condos, office, and The Four Seasons Hotel, which uses the gardens' vegetables and herbs in its kitchen.