Green Tuesday
June 24, 2009

Yesterday deserves holiday status, as it seemed all events, from Realcomm to a USGBC panel, revealed technologies ushering crafty ideas into our green space. Since Green Day is taken (and too obvious anyway), we went with our title. |
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We swarmed Day 1 of Realcomm (the coolest tech/real estate hybrid since the automatic door), at the Hyatt Regency. Here, Cisco's Ed Richards explains his Mediator to Optima, Inc.'s Calvin Kam and BIM Education Co-op's Mike Bordeau. The electronic box can remotely control heating, cooling, lighting, and security using any internet device and Google Earth(for monitoring). You can also auto-program, so you don't have to think about wasting energy when you're away. Walgreens already has a number of Mediators, Ed says. |
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Tech isn't always so simple: Real Data Management's Peter Baritz explains that video and social media marketing can be a distraction if brokers use it incorrectly. For example, if you're going to make a promotional video, don't just slap it up on YouTube or Twitter, he says. Target it to a direct audience via e-blast. |
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While hearing about creative green financing, we snapped Engineered Tax Services' Julio Gonzalez, Alberti Group's Ujjval Vyas, and TENG's Tom Lohner. Larry said green projects and broadband services should be the railroads and highways of this recession (inspiring clever sing-a-longs?), helping people get jobs. (Oh.) Paul reminded developers that the best place for refunds or grants was the utility company, which is required to reduce certain costs for green building. |