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ESA's Charles Arko and Angela Spadoni and Leopardo's Ryan Haase and David Rutledge
CANstruction made us want a good meal at the Merch Mart  last Thursday. Teams of contractors and architects built everything from video game characters to the Cathedral of Notre Dame out of canned goods, which were later donated to the Greater Chicago Food Depository. We snapped ESA's Charles Arko and Angela Spadoni and Leopardo's Ryan Haase and  David Rutledge  in front of their Jurors' Favorite award-winning snow plow sculpture, which used 4,500 cans and was built in about  four hours. (Check out the awesome time lapse video here.) Ryan says the team wanted to use an idea that was iconic to Chicago after this year's  blizzaster.
Eddie Eichen, Fred Grier and Bryan Howard
Here's the Murphy/Jahn team of  Eddie EichtenFred Grier, and Bryan Howard, whose CANthedral won the Best Meal award. Fred tells us the team tried to use the labels on the cans to resemble stones and also show off the nutrition of what was inside the cans. The  rose window is made out of  Gatorade bottles and lit up with Christmas lights. They said they were able to use surprisingly little tape and cardboard in the structure after a few practice runs.
Megen Briars, Heather Askew
OKW Architect's Megen Briars, here with Cushing's Heather Askew, organized the event for her third year. This year also featured refreshments from Whole Foods and specialty cocktails. More pictures of the CANstructions are below, after this news break.
Related Topics: Angela Spadoni, Best Meal