Meet Your Org Execs: CREW

CREW Chicago prez and Schiff Hardin partner Janet Johnson is a 33-year industry vet with a penchant for strategic planning and triathlons. She got involved with CREW about 18 years ago through a client, quickly became an active committee member, and took the helm this year. Her goals: increase CREW's local recognition, strategically target new members and sponsors, and enhance member offerings through education and mentorship. This year, the group had its second industry leadership dinner honoring HCP's Lauralee Martin (center, with Janet and Prudential Real Estate Investors' Collete English Dixon), enhanced the members-only leadership development programs, and tonight hosts its annual Last Call For Fall fundraiser at Baker & McKenzie.

Women in commercial real estate are still having difficulty making it into the C-suite. It's a challenge that 300-member CREW is trying to tackle with initiatives like a women's speakers bureau for local industry events, a C-suite mentoring program in conjunction with CREW Network, and leadership training for members. CREW offers women a sounding board and network of resources that might not be available within their own organization. For Janet, an unexpected flight and an athletic magazine propelled her and past prez Jan Fiola to do their first triathlon together three years ago, and she's been doing three per year ever since. (Janet's center at her first triathlon, with CREW Chicago member Jeri Moore and Jan.) At work, Janet's been focused on senior housing developments lately, and at home, she's busy playing with her grandsons.