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More Than Meets the Eye

More Than Meets the Eye
360 N. Michigan
No, this isn't the scene of another Illinois earthquake; this week, it's the Transformers who have torn up Wacker Drive just west of Michigan Avenue. We stopped by 360 N. Michigan to chat with MB Real Estate's David Beeman, building manager where some of the major battle scenes for Transformers 3 will be shot. David says a location scout approached building ownership to contract for the rights to shoot from the building's roof  and  back fire escape.
360 N. Michigan
In addition to a location fee, the building benefits from the movie by boosting its image, although David says he doubts it's the deciding factor for any of the leases signed in the building, which still has space available. The tenants have been very understanding of the distractions caused by filming so far because the Chicago Film Bureau tries to keep them posted on street closings and potential noise, like explosions, gunfire, and  car chases. The building, already a starlet for appearing in the opening credits of Perfect Strangers, provides great shots down Wacker, Michigan, and the Chicago River.