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On Our Feet

On Our Feet
Yesterday, real estate pros joined forces at three events to discuss recession solutions. From distressed properties to gov't funded projects, troops are rallying for a comeback! Our headline is a call to arms and literally how we spent all day.
On Our Feet
At Real Estate Publishing Group's Distressed Real Estate Summit yesterday morning at the Fountain Blue is Des Plaines, Capital Real Estate Advisors' Peter Cotsirilos  and Al Coulolias joined Colliers Bennett & Kahnweiler's Lloyd Berry to discuss workouts and receivership. ?If you're not a banker, that's what you're doing right now,? Lloyd says. ?It's the only business that's getting more busy.?
On Our Feet
The opening panel included Foresite Realty Partners' Don Shapiro, NRC Realty Advisors Evan Gladstone, and Clark Street Capital's Jon Winick  discussing their favorite recession era phrases: ?Extend, amend, pretend,? and ?Rolling loans gather no loss.? Don encouraged lenders and investors to take a chance on some distressed properties but not to expect any warranties.

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