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Smart Building
Smart Building
How much does it cost to replace a light bulb? No punchline here. It's about $150, according to Akridge's Tommy Russo, joined on an "IT in Property Management and Operations" panel by GE Asset Management's Roland Siegl  and Ave Maria University's Brian Mehaffey at the Pre-Con for this week?s RealComm. You can reduce the cost, though, by incorporating systems that tell how long a bulb has been on, thus predicting when it will go out. Another tip: the same system can page an engineer's Blackberry before an minor issue becomes a problem. IT: not just for fixing E-mail anymore.
Smart Building

RealComm's pre-convention day also featured a CIO Roundtable helping property managers get a handle on their buildings' technology. Related's Shaun Smith, Boston Properties' James Whalen, and Real Foundation's David Srour  spoke on ?Inspiring Innovation in Your Organization.? The panelists encouraged involving tenants in tech changes and urged pilot programs for new software.

Smart Building

We spotted some makers of said technologies: SAP's Henry Bailey  and  Jay Irwin, Morguard's Maria Aiello and Inetium's Sandy Jacolow. Maria is working on customer relocation and document management software, while the guys from SAP are improving systems that evaluate the quality and environmental friendliness of a building. Sandy says these systems, which automate a lot of property management responsibilities, save money by freeing up managers to do more advanced tasks.

Related Topics: James Whalen, GE