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Social Networking Strikes Again!

Social Networking Strikes Again!
Warady Davis LLP's Richard Franklin, Meridian Development Corp.'s Scott Salgan, and Harris Bank's Jim Grammas and Vicky Arroyo talking about social networking for real estate.

What's LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and blogging have to do with your business? That was the hot topic at yesterday morning's breakfast sponsored by the Illinois Real Estate Journal and Chicago Industrial Properties. We snapped Warady Davis LLP's Richard Franklin, Meridian Development Corp.'s Scott Salgan, and Harris Bank's Jim Grammas  and Vicky Arroyo getting a caffeine boost before the event. Jim and Vicky are working on senior housing, community development, and TIF financing, and Vicky says she's hoping to learn about technology before her kids know more than she does. (Quite a tall task. Didn't they just release the iPhone Womb?)

Social Networking Strikes Again!

Leopardo's Todd Andrlik advised attendees to use appropriate forms of social networking, which he says can help you control the message that gets out about your company. For example, of the top ten results of a Google search for Leopardo, six are social networking sites and two are the company's own website. But be reasonable, Todd says. You don't have to do everything.