Top Trends from CORFAC's National Conference

Revitalization and reurbanization are two of the hottest buzzwords in real estate right now. It’s certainly what we’re seeing in Chicago, with the big migration downtown. It’s also the reason why CORFAC International tapped us for its annual fall conference. Among its top discussions was sustainable development, where Hines’ Tom D’Arcy (above right, with Podolsky’s John Homsher, GlenStar Properties’ Rand Diamond, and Related’s Nick Anderson) said it’s hard to get tenants to pay extra for occupying a LEED certified office. GlenStar tries for LEED Silver, Rand says, but more so for potential investors than the tenants. According to a Related survey, tenants would much prefer dogs in their offices over a LEED plaque, Nick joked.

In addition to market talk, attendees from 45 CORFAC firms around the globe got professional development advice from Stedman Graham (he’s more than Oprah’s arm candy) and author Steve Yastrow. Organize your life around who you are, said Stedman. When you’re trying to close a deal, “figure out what’s going on, go with the flow, and let a shared story emerge,” said Steve. Here’s CORFAC’s Midwest Group, above: Kevin Riley, Mason Capitani, Kurt Walsh (in front), Scott Savacool, Steven Tick, Gary Grochowski, John Homsher, Jason Capitani, Jim Klements, Joe Kramer, Jack Allen, Steve Zacher, and Tim Ryan (in back).