Is The Clybourn Corridor PMD In Danger?

A public meeting tomorrow will discuss the future plans for development along the Clybourn Corridor PMD, and could bode ill for supporters of keeping the zoning restrictions of the PMD in place.
The meeting comes on the heels of the Buildings Department shutting down General Iron, a scrap metal operation at 1909 N Clifton, for at least 28 building code violations ranging from improper storage of hazardous materials to an unsecured elevator shaft, DNA Info reports. General Iron has failed inspections before but this time the city took action.
General Iron has been in business for over a century but is seen as an antiquated business in an area that has trended more residential over the past 25 years. Developers and their supporters believe the zoning restrictions of the PMD should be lifted to encourage mixed-use. Last month, the mayor floated a proposal easing those restrictions in the form of developers paying a fee that would go to financing infrastructure projects in these districts that would support increased density, such as public transit, bridges and other needs. Should be an interesting meeting, and that's an understatement. [DNA]