Deadline Approaching for CHA RFP

Don’t let your turkey comas last too long. Proposals are due Dec. 1 for the Chicago Housing Authority’s planned mixed-income housing development on a vacant site near McCormick Place (pictured), Crain’s Chicago Business reports. Once part of 1,006-unit Harold Ickes Homes (demolished in 2010), the 11.3-acre CHA-owned site must include units for at least 200 public housing residents and likely a minimum of 600 units. The site’s retail element will be built on the corner of 22nd and State streets, according to the RFP, and would likely benefit from the new Green Line station under construction at 22nd, DePaul’s new arena and neighboring hotel projects. With the CHA and high-end developers in the same sandbox, it remains to be seen if they’ll agree on a cohesive vision for the greater South Loop area post-capital infusion.