Time Is Ticking Away On John Hancock Center's 'World's Highest Indoor Pool' Status

The John Hancock Center's residential amenities are all-encompassing and include a private grocery store, its own post office and FedEx offices, and its own election precinct. One aspect of those amenities, the indoor swimming pool, was recognized for decades as the world's highest indoor pool. But time is running out on that status, according to Chicago Architecture Blog.
The pending completion of Goldin Finance 117 in Tianjin, China, will knock the Hancock to second-highest pool. Goldin Finance 117's indoor pool will be on the tower's 115th floor, just below an observation deck and a rotating restaurant. Each of these will be the highest of its kind on the planet.
Goldin Finance 117 has been under construction since 2008 and was originally supposed to be completed in 2014. Construction was suspended in 2010, resumed a year later, and the building was topped off in September 2015. It is expected to deliver in 2018 and will be the world's third-tallest building.