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Avondale May Be Chicago's Next Hot Neighborhood


Could the current development in Logan Square spill over into Avondale? That's what residents of the Northwest Side neighborhood believe, and they're preparing for the rapid changes that will follow. Signs that Avondale will become the next "it" neighborhood include increased attendance for its annual neighborhood crawl and a new festival set to launch next month. Renters and homebuyers attracted to Logan Square's nightlife and easy access to public transit are finding Avondale a wonderful consolation prize. Before increased development happens, however, Avondale's residential inventory needs to increase. According to DNAInfo, developer Dorel Aedelean wants to build 15 condo units at Belmont and Elston avenues. Ardelean's attorney, Sara Barnes, says the area needs to become more pedestrian-friendly before commercial development will follow. [DNA]