DRESL Weekly Roundup

Field 1 – Cushman & Wakefield 16, Cresa 4: C&W kept up its perfect season, taking advantage of some early pitching woes and going up 10-0 after the first inning. From there on out, Cresa stabilized the bleeding, but it was too little too late. C&W’s Brett Abrams continued his steady play going 3-3 with five RBIs.
Field 2 – Retailers 11, JF McKinney 0: The Retailers whooped up on JF McKinney with a shutout win. Their hitting stars included Steven “Roadrunner" Ansani going 4-5, Danny “Bam Bam” Rose going 4-4, and cap Tom Fritz going 3-4. The retail defense was flawless; JFM needed more than a week to recover from last week’s party.
Field 3 – Golub 11, Bradford Allen 8: This game was tighter than a bull’s butt in fly season. The undefeated Golub vets showed up, and BA was killed by three inning-ending double plays. Hall of Famer John Ferguson made his 2014 debut at short center; shortstop Soup Campbell has three big hits; and cap Lee Golub had a huge two-out two-RBI base hit in the 5th.
Field 4 – Inland 10, CTK Chicago Partners 9: It looked like CTK would break out of its slump after initiating a seven-run first inning, but Inland would not be denied its franchise best 4-0 start to the season. In a bit of hyperbole, Inland’s skipper, Mike Janus, headlined with “Boston Red Sox. Chicago Blackhawks. Team Inland.”
Field 5 – Eastdil 18, CBRE 3: In perhaps CB’s most stunning defeat in years, the unknown Eastdil Pickles pounded lumps on the formerly great CB Boys. Former Tishman Speyer hurler, Casey Wold, was throwing beebees at CB. Is Eastdil using guys from California Penal? An investigation has commenced.
Field 6 – DTZ 8, Klein’s Corporate 2: The old cliché “the game was much closer than the score” was quite true here. Both teams played excellent defense and both pitchers were bringing rain on the hitters. Klein’s is running out of excuses, like missing two starters. DTZ is a very good team, especially after gaining Jeff Laski and Bill Wax from MBRE in an under-the-table transaction.
Field 7 – JLL 15, Transwestern 9: The Transfusions showed some life by scoring nine against a traditionally good defensive team. Adam Schneiderman ripped a triple for two RBIs in the 4th and Andrew Watson blasted a three-run homer in the 2nd. Defensively, not a ball got past 3rd baseman, Bobby Wood.