Randy and Steve Fifield

Fifield Cos’ power couple Randy and Steve Fifield (snapped with their family) met in 1991, and it wasn’t long until they were talking real estate. Steve was getting through his office building workouts and Randy was initiating her first house rehab project. At their first lunch, Randy tried to convince Steve that apartments had great promise. “Throughout our courtship I dragged him to apartment building after building, but he was skeptical,” she jokes. He was also smitten. “She was so filled with life and optimism,” Steve says. “There was never a doubt in her mind that I would make a comeback.”

Randy was the most positive person Steve had ever met, and he tried to impassion her with his love of office buildings. Which led to their first deal together, the $80M renovation of the landmark Civic Opera Building. After selling the building in ’97, Randy went back to residential work and Steve to the commercial side, but they were keeping one eye on the West Loop. Fast forward to today: their luxury tower K2 (above) in the Fulton River District is leasing up quickly; construction is underway at 356-unit E2 in Evanston; and Fifield will soon initiate construction at MOD and 1859 Chicago Ave, two luxury apartment projects in the city.