Get ready to fill up your road-rage-curse-jar with quarters: LBJ Express crews will re-construct the I-635 bridge over the Dallas North Tollway and portions of the connecting ramps within the interchange in the coming weeks; closures of the Dallas North Tollway will be needed to accommodate work. A spokesman for the project tells us most of the closures will be scheduled at night and on weekends during off-peak hours whenever possible.

Also this month, a traffic lane shift (in place for up to three months, scientifically the amount of time it takes to learn where to go) on the Dallas North Tollway under 635 to build new center columns for a future I-635 bridge. The LBJ Express project is being developed and constructed by the LBJ Infrastructure Group under an agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation.The project is designed to double the capacity of I-635 between US 75 and I-35E. Seventeen miles long, the road will contain rebuilt freeway lanes and new express managed toll lanes.