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Dallas-Fort Worth
Rubbing shoulders while learning about The Real Estate Council's volunteer opportunities, Thompson & Knight's Andrew Ingrum and Ray Khirallah were among the crowd of  300 schmoozing at Arlington Hall at Lee Park last month. Ray tells us leasing  and development projects dominate his time. When he can get away, he's hitting the links. Loan workouts have been keeping Andrew buried under stacks of paperwork. Depending upon the season, he winds down by snowboarding or relaxing by the pool. (Wait 'til he discovers wakeboarding just about combines both.)
Pillar Commercial prez Manny Ybarra, between Stewart Title SVP Melissa Eastman and TREC prez Michelle Corson
Pillar Commercial president Manny Ybarra, between Stewart Title SVP Melissa Eastman and TREC prez Michelle Corson, tells us that the first half of 2010 has been positive, with meaningful occupancy increases achieved across the entire portfolio. He says they're looking for acquisitions. Away from the office, Manny has a family vacation planned to Playa del Carmen  and next month he's hitting the road with his “gang” of biker buddies heading for Sturgis. On the back of his Harley, Manny says most folks wouldn't recognize him. “I don't exactly look the part.”