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Dallas-Fort Worth
Streaming Data
Stream Data Centers (wholly-owned by Dallas' own Stream Realty Partners) made its first venture into Denver, acquiring a 30k SF fully operational data center, says Stream Data SVP Anthony Bolner.
Stream Data Centers new Denver acquisition
Built in 2006 by an unnamed Fortune 500 insurance company (we didn't realize Prince had incorporated), the 29.5k SF single-story building includes 10k SF of raised floor and 7.5k SF of disaster-recovery office space. Anthony says Denver has  multiple major data center  operations and critical facilities including TIAA-CREF, Level 3 Communications, Honda, Boeing and Lockheed Martin. He tells us it's an opportunity for enterprise users needing to rapidly deploy critical data center operations and it has the ability to expand power density and cooling over time. And now for some jargon we don't understand, but bet you do: It's designed for 1,125 kw of critical load and a 2N electrical / N+1 mechanical configuration. It features water cooled centrifugal chillers and plate heat exchangers to provide free cooling approximately 60% of the year.