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Addison & Farmers Branch Named Best Places to Start a Business in DFW


Addison and Farmers Branch are the best places in Texas to start a business. The analysts at ranked Addison No. 1 and Farmers Branch No. 5 among 220 Texas cities with a population over 10,000. Addison has the second-highest median annual income in the top 10 ($50,280). It also has the second-highest number of businesses per 100 people (over 26) and a low unemployment rate of 3.9%. There’s 22 hotels and more than 170 restaurants, and Addison is home to Addison TreeHouse, a resource-filled co-working space for entrepreneurs founded by the Town, as well as the Dallas Entrepreneur Center. For neighbor Farmers Branch, the City has the second highest number of businesses in the top 10 and is second place in the top 10 for the largest number of businesses with paid employees. Among the corporations with headquarters here are Taco Bueno and Ironclad. [NerdWallet]