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Where The Renters Are In DFW


Think you know where renters live in DFW? Now there's a handy dandy map to prove it. Former New York Times reporter Ken Schwencke used US Census data to create a heat map of renters (red) and owners (blue) of residential properties and homes.

Though the Dallas/Fort Worth map might not raise any eyebrows with its results, other areas of the country prove what commercial real estate folks already knew: renters make up city centers, owners make up the 'burbs. This is especially true in older suburbs like Mesquite and Garland.


The National Multifamily Housing Council tells us 37% of the US population rents and 63% owns. But renters make up 55% of the population in Dallas and 40% in Fort Worth.

Occupancy for multifamily units in Dallas remains about 96% and shows no signs of slowing down.