Breaking The Rules In Turtle Creek

Hillwood Urban will develop 3001 Turtle Creek Blvd into a 350k SF office space. Connecticut-based Pickard Chilton will design the building in partnership with Texas-based James Burnett as the landscape architect and Dallas-based BOKA Powell as the architect of record. We caught up with Hillwood EVP Ken Reese to hear what makes this project unique.
This project comes with an elevated sensitivity to greenspace, Ken tells us. "We spent a lot of time thinking about how the building integrates with the park-like environment around it," he says.
Hillwood knew from the other projects it's done in Turtle Creek (namely its own HQ) the importance of involving a landscape architect from the get-go. Unlike typical urban office developments where landscaping comes in during the final quarter with a couple of shrubs, Hillwood prioritized greenspace.
Thus, Hillwood brought in James Burnett (you know, the guy who did Klyde Warren Park). The Class-A building site allows for about a one-acre park close to Katy Trail.
But Hillwood is focusing on the aesthetics inside the building just as much. Few buildings in Dallas feature an offset core where elevators and bathrooms hug the sides of the tower, rather than the center. "When you put the core on one side of the building, it gives you a lot of collaborative space, great natural light and phenomenal views," Ken tells us.
3001 Turtle Creek Blvd will offer 28k SF floor plates with 10-foot floor-to-ceiling windows and will break ground upon design completion.