Gary Walker's Weekend in Mexico

Instead of tossing back a cold one with his toes in the sand, Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance DFW managing principal Gary Walker (along with his family and friends) spent a weekend building a new house for an underprivileged family in Ensenada, Mexico. Gary was leading his annual charitable trip in conjunction with a nonprofit organization that builds homes in Tijuana, the Dominican Republic, and Ensenada for families who earn less than $100 per week, have children under 18 years old, and need immediate shelter. Here’s Coleman Walker, Rosie Walker, Marcie Walker, Peter Haley, Carly Walker, and Gary putting up a wall.

Gary (here with his wife, far right, and the homeowner, center) finances the trip for his colleagues, family and friends, as well as the construction costs for the 16X20-foot home and furnishings. Gary says the Homes of Hope experience is as emotionally rewarding for his family, friends, and staff as it is for the family we're helping. "We can make a significant difference in other peoples' lives with two days of hard work. It's a profound life-altering experience for them and us,” he says. This year, Walker's team was assigned to a family living in a house made of garage doors with a hole-riddled roof. The fisherman's grandfather deeded the property to him as a wedding gift nine years ago.