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Weird Al Defeats Iggy Azalea


It doesn’t have quite the ring of Dewey Defeats Truman, but in Bisnow’s battle of the bands, you spoke and we listened. Trendy artist Iggy Azalea doesn’t have what it takes for our crowd. You’re much more intellectual (and maybe a little silly) and you selected Weird Al Yankovic’s Handy over Fancy. We think DHR International EVP Sayres Dudley has an ulterior motive beyond the intellectually entertaining music. “If you look at his 1982 video, put an afro on me, take off my beard, and leave my mustache, what do you have? Take a look. It’s frightening,” he tells us. You said it, not us. For his efforts, Sayres wins a pair of tickets to the Bisnow event of his choice: the DFW Creative Office Summit on July 31 or the DFW Capital Markets Summit on Aug 27.