With Sights On Global Growth, Emmitt Smith's Real Estate Company Hires 3 Executives

E Smith Realty Partners is growing and now the firm founded by Emmitt Smith and Sharon Morrison has hired more manpower (and womanpower) to facilitate that growth.
Tammy Nellis joins ESRP as senior vice president focused on office tenant representation. Trevor Yarbrough joins as director of site selection and analytics, and Larry Kelso comes on board as executive vice president of global workplace solutions.
Kelso will initially focus on global program management and will lead integrated teams worldwide.
The new hires and E Smith’s growth can be attributed to the establishment of its global footprint.
“One thing that has been understated is the impact we are having, not only in Dallas, but across the globe,” E Smith President Steve Jarvie said. “Easily, one-third of our engagements are outside Texas.”