Why Denver's Getting Global Attention
Denver's more than a hot secondary market, it's edging toward global recognition among corporations and investors. That'll be a hot topic at our Denver State of the Market on June 22 at The Ritz-Carlton Denver.

"Denver is evolving and we are at the edge of a great boom," McWhinney CEO and co-founder Chad McWhinney, who will be a speaker, tells us. "We're quickly becoming a collaborative global center, able to attract Fortune 50 companies. We're attracting entrepreneurs and young talent by being the place to live."
Companies need and want talent; Denver offers that at an exponential level, Chad adds, and is evolving as an urban area to meet the boom. "We will see a transformation in all uses of real estate to respond to the needs and wants of the talent Denver is attracting."

Whatever its place on the world stage, Denver still is part of the real estate cycle. Etkin Johnson partner Ryan Good, who will also be a speaker, tells us for the current cycle, the Denver market is in the top of the seventh inning.
"The starting pitchers are starting to get fatigued, but there's a lot of ammunition in the bullpen to carry us through another three innings. We continue to see unprecedented demand and increased rental rates in the industrial/flex market that would suggest we still have plenty of game to play."
Come hear more at our Denver State of the Market, beginning at 7:30am on June 22 at The Ritz-Carlton Denver. Sign up here.