Denver, Boulder Attractive To Tech Workers, But Tech Market Isn't That Resilient

JLL puts Denver and Boulder in the middle of the pack in its latest US Technology Office Outlook report, which used 16 variables in four major categories—economic momentum, talent pool, innovation and cost—to rank markets in how their tech industries would weather periods of economic slowing. Of the 45 cities ranked, Denver came in at No. 23 and Boulder was No. 25. Unsurprisingly, Silicon Valley came in at No. 1 and San Francisco was No. 2.
"Denver’s highly-educated workforce is a magnet that serves the seemingly insatiable appetite for skilled tech workers," the report says. But the market has its difficulties, especially in terms of rising costs. "Though still lower than many top-tier markets, a rising cost of living proves burdensome for both new and long-established residents alike," JLL states.
Even so, last year the company ranked Denver and Boulder high as emerging tech markets.