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National Single-Family Rental 2023 Forecast

A Deep Dive into How Today's Economic Outlook with Impact SFR Investments, Development, and Operations

Digital Summit Ended On: Wednesday December 14 2022

Digital Summit Speakers and Panels

Elizabeth Baker

Elizabeth Baker

Director, Events Production, Bisnow

What You'll Learn

What You'll Learn: 

  • How are investors continuing basic strategies as the economy heads towards a recession? Or, how are lenders and investors starting to pivot?
  • As interest rates are climbing, but housing prices are dropping, how is this impacting consumer trends and demands?
  • What markets do owners and investors predict to be SFR hotbeds in 2023?
  • Will the SFR bubble burst soon, or are we going to see year-over-year growth headed into 2023?
  • Are SFR and BTR more or less risky than traditional multifamily investment? Why or why not?
  • What are the biggest challenges for developers in terms of permitting and development fees? 
  • As funding projects becomes increasingly more expensive, what are some of the strategies investors/developers use to creatively fund their projects?


How You'll Do More Business From Attending This Conference: It's been a big year for SFR, as the topic has taken the commercial real estate by storm. But as economic conditions shift, how will this impact the strategy for SFR lenders, owners, and builders going forward? Join our experts as they predict what's to come to the SFR industry in 2023. 


Who You’ll Network With: Owners, developers, investors, brokers, and more. 


For questions, content ideas, or speaking opportunities, email our Director of Event Production, Elizabeth Baker, at  



Time Activity
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
National Single-Family Rental 2023 Forecast
