Integra Propels Forward in Houston

Integra Realty Resources - Houston (IRR) senior managing director David Dominy and 22 IRR managing directors from across the country helped build the national footprint of this powerhouse from 30 offices in 1999 to 64 offices employing over 900 professionals. David and partners Kenny Levenson, Mike Welch,and Dennis Pilkington manage the Houston office with 41 professionals performing a variety of real estate consulting and valuation. Talk about a big score: Major sporting projects include the appraisal of Dynamo Stadium, The Astrodome,and consulting for MinuteMaid Park. The firm is also involved in the valuation of landmark office buildings, lifestyle centers (including retail and multifamily components of CITYCENTRE), industrial, self-storage, and other properties. Major projects under way include valuations for the Highway 290 expansion and the new Grand Parkway. For more information on our sponsor, click here.