Dan Bellow Wins Lifetime Achievement Award

Congrats to JLL Houston president Dan Bellow, who received the CoreNet Lifetime Achievement Award for his community leadership and contribution to Houston's economy. Dan's got more than 40 years in the business, most prominently leading Staubach Co's and now JLL's Houston offices. He's been active with the Greater Houston Partnership for 25 years, chairing numerous economic development committees and initiatives, serving as chairman in '09 and now sitting on the board. He's on the advisory council of Center for Houston's Future and on the boards of numerous other civic orgs, including Sam Houston Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, the YMCA of Greater Houston and Make-A-Wish Foundation of Texas Gulf Coast and Louisiana.
We had the pleasure of profiling Dan a few years ago (did you know he went to school to be an oceanographer?): Read it here.