Q&A With New Midway Executive David Hightower
After 36 years with Wolff Cos, longtime Houston real estate big shot David Hightower is now serving as executive vice president of development at Midway. We spoke with David about his high-profile move.

Bisnow: What made the opportunity at Midway so attractive?
Hightower: The opportunity to be involved in new and different types of projects, not just land development.
Bisnow: Why now?
Hightower: The timing was right. The development of the Wolff projects are all either complete or near complete. And, Midway is working on a number of things where my experience and skills fit perfectly.

Bisnow: How much did the state of the Energy Corridor factor into your decision?
Hightower: Not at all. I believe the Energy Corridor has a long and bright future. As we seek new opportunities, if one presents itself in the Corridor we will definitely pursue it.
Bisnow: What are the challenges shifting from land development to infill development?
Hightower: The only real difference is working with existing infrastructure. But whether you are building it from scratch or improving existing facilities it is still very much the same process.
Bisnow: What's one lasting lesson you took away from your time at Wolff Cos?
Hightower: Obviously in working for 36 years with one of the leaders in the development business I learned a lot at Wolff Cos. One of the main lessons learned was to resist sacrificing long-term vision and quality of a project for an immediate opportunity.
Bisnow: What are you most excited about in 2017?
Hightower: It is hard to point to one thing. I believe Houston is entering a new growth cycle, across the map. While the suburban markets will continue to capture a lot of the new growth, the “inside the Beltway” market will also see redevelopment and infill development. It is not an either/or situation.