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Ensinger Buys Clay Development BTS, Showing Northwest Is Still King


Ensinger, a global producer of engineering plastics, purchased a 61k SF custom-built manufacturing facility under construction on nine acres at 12331 Cutten Rd. The one-story building will be completed by Clay Development this summer. It includes a 20-ton crane, dust collection systems, gas-fired ovens, built-in equipment foundations and a 900 SF canopied area.

Clay Development’s Charlie Christ (who graciously talked to us while he was volunteering at the Houston Rodeo yesterday) repped the seller. He tells us the Ensinger building is well-placed in the northwest part of town. Despite all the buzz around the southeast/Port submarket, Charlie says northwest is outpacing the rest of the city in new industrial space largely thanks to transportation access and demographics. Northwest Houston is home to young, skilled, blue-collar workers.

Since manufacturing is doing well in Houston, Charlie hasn’t seen any decrease in deal volume. Rents are stable, he says, and he hasn’t lost many tenants to the oil slump.

Ensinger's build-to-suit is the 14th building in Cutten Road Business Park, a 165-acre site Clay acquired in 2008. The park is 90% developed. Other tenants include Archer Well, Phoenix Technology Services, ThyssenKrupp Materials NA, Kemper Valve & Fittings Corp and Boots & Coots.

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