Another Full City Centre Tower
Laredo Energy leased 12k SF in City Centre 4, bringing the year-old building to 100% occupancy. (Not a square foot to spare.)

Colvill VP Marilyn Guion, who repped landlord Midway with her colleagues Michael Anderson and Connor Saxe, tells us the firm is relocating its HQ into the 120k SF, Class-A building. Cresa’s André Granello and Gary Lawless repped the tenant. But Marilyn and team can't rest on its full-building laurels—Midway recently broke ground on CityCentre Five. (It's the Hollywood mentality: as long as you can put butts in seats, keep making sequels.)

Midway EVP of development Shon Link updated us on CityCentre's office situation. The 450k SF of existing office has only 9k SF available. 200k SF CityCenter Five (825 Town & Country Way) is already 65% pre-leased and is opening Q2. He anticipates making an announcement this fall about what's next after CityCenter Five (psst, it's likely another office development). Shon also tells us leasing velocity has picked up on the retail component—there are serious talks for every vacancy.