Geico's New Neighbor

Geico moved 1,000 employees into Mason Creek Office Center I, so developer Myers, Crow & Saviers is on to the next thing: Mason Creek Office Center II broke ground Thursday. Here’s Moody Rambin’s Bob Cromwell, Myers, Crow & Saviers’ Mark Saviers, Moody Rambin’s Kevin Nolan, Dupree & Associates’ Charlie Richmond, Rennell Associates’ Larry Rennell, and Katy EDC’s Frank Lombard. (GC Burton Construction must’ve been too busy digging to hop into the photo, or these guys took this photo to avoid digging.)

This latest phase is 128k SF on I-10 near Mason Road and will deliver in February. It features 43k SF floor plates and is going for LEED Silver. (As long as they don't get a harsh score from the Russian judge.) The building has electrical capacity for two 6.5-megawatt circuits, which could power call or data center operations. (It also boasts backup generator infrastructure and 6:1,000 parking ratio.)