KHOU Looking For New Offices After Harvey Flooding

During Hurricane Harvey, viewers looked on as KHOU-TV's offices along the Buffalo Bayou slowly began to fill up with water. Flooding forced the station to move its live coverage of Harvey to a second-floor conference room and eventually to evacuate the building entirely. KHOU will not be coming back.
KHOU will continue to operate from Houston Public Media and the Melcher Center for Public Broadcasting on the campus of the University of Houston while looking for a new home, KHOU President Susan McEldoon said in a statement on its website.
KHOU's new location will be a defining factor for the station that has prided itself on proximity since Dan Rather's now-famous on-the-scene reporting from Galveston during Hurricane Carla in 1961. While other stations have moved further out of the city, KHOU stayed close to Downtown. That may be difficult to maintain — Houston's land prices and development costs in the heart of the city have skyrocketed since KHOU opened its Allen Parkway HQ.