
We’ve decided to steal a trend from Instagram and start celebrating #tbt (Throwback Thursday). Brookfield helped us kick off with this gem, a photo of 1600 Smith’s topping out. The tower delivered in 1984 and partying up on that roof are reps from Linbeck, Morris Architects, CBM Engineers and IA Naman. 1600 Smith delivered on shaky ground—in 1985, the Dallas Morning News said it was “so vacant it became a symbol for overexpansion in Houston.” Continental Airlines set up its HQ there in 1997, renaming it Continental Center I. The firm has retained space there since its merger with United but it’s uncertain what’ll happen when its lease expires in a few years. Check back every Thursday for walks down memory lane, and please share your old photos of Houston, iconic buildings and top real execs to publish in future installments! catie@bisnow.com.