Work Like A Rock Star At This Crazy-Cool New Office

At Rockstar, 5700 Northwest Central Drive, there's more than meets the eye. Step inside the unassuming building and you'll be immediately struck by an interior that is one-of-a-kind. Though the office looks like it belongs in NYC or LA, the building is in Houston's 290 Corridor.
It’s been 100% renovated to appeal to the young, hip professional.

The building has multiple conference rooms, a coffee/cookie bar, a fully gated perimeter, all interior and exterior common area renovations, music throughout, 24/7 air conditioning, no escalations (flat-rate lease terms) and structured parking with gate controls.

It also has a fully fitted photo/design studio for tenant use as well as high-definition cameras, LED lights throughout, a garage and a big mural cow. What more could you want?

As the old saying goes, don't judge a book by its cover.