AIA Gingerbread Build-Off Winners!

Architecture got tasty this weekend as the Architecture Center Houston and AIA Houston teamed up with C2 Create to host the sixth annual Gingerbread Build-Off. 28 teams faced off to create architectural masterpieces with 100% edible materials, and this year’s event brought in more than 3,000 spectators (and Santa!). Congrats to The Neurons, named best in show for its Grand Budapest Hotel creation, pictured here. Perhaps surprisingly, there isn't a single architect on that team of neurologists.

English & Associates won best architectural icon for its gingerbread City Hall at Night. Other winners were first runner-up ACI (the Arrrrrchitects) for its Pirate Ship), A&E The Graphics Complex for its public favorite Princess and the Pea, Curry Boudreaux Architects for its Bento Box (most creative interpretation of materials), Jackson & Ryan for its nontraditionally themed National Park, and Kirksey and Canopy for its Cinderella’s Castle (it won best traditional structure and was also the tallest). And thanks to this year’s judges, City Council member David Robinson, Triniti executive chef Ryan Hildebrand, City of Houston planning and development’s Margaret Wallace Brown, and AGC’s Charlene Anthony.