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And The Gold Medal In Office Olympics Goes To...

Houston Other

We all watched with pride as the United States Olympic team took home 121 medals at the 2016 games in Rio. As Simone Biles and Michael Phelps rocked our worlds, there was another competition happening closer to home. Transwestern organized its inaugural Office Olympics. 


Over 20 teams participated in challenges including tug-of-war (above), trash can basketball, office chair soccer (below), darts and golf! Fun fact: tug-of-war was actually an Olympic event at five games from 1900 to 1920.


The official winners are: 

Overall Team - Team PM Eastside (property managers)

Team Spirit - The Gold Diggers (brokers/admin team)

Chair Soccer - The Gold Diggers

Trash Can Basketball - The Hendrex Experience (tenant reps)

Darts - The Gold Diggers

Putt Putt - 1900 Experience Team (engineers and property managers)

Tug-Of-War - Property Accounting & Corp Accounting (proving why you don't mess with accountants)