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Main Street Theater Tops Out


Arch-Con topped out on Main Street Theater this week and will complete construction in a few months. (Pictured at Tuesday's topping out ceremony is Arch-Con’s community team: Starr Broussard, Michael Vaughn, Michael Scheurich and Chris Davis.) The facility was built in Rice Village in the 1940s as a dry cleaners. In 1982, it was converted to a theater and has remained one since.


The significant renovation includes a larger lobby, new restrooms, dressing rooms, a mezzanine rehearsal/classroom space and a new, higher roof over the whole property. (That latter is especially important because the theater can eliminate structural poles in the middle of the stage.) And perhaps the best—for the first time, the entire building will be air conditioned. (Up until now, poor actors in the green room and dressing rooms only had window units, particularly brutal for those in old period costumes.) Studio RED designed the renovation.

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